Exercise and Parkinson's Disease
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Parkinson’s Disease is a chronic, degenerative progressive brain disorder that affects areas of the brain responsible for movement. Symptoms vary with individuals and could include: a tremor, slowness of movement, rigidity, and gait or posture disturbances. Other signs might be: depression, falling, speech and swallowing problems, mental confusion, sleep disturbances, constipation, difficulty writing, and more. There is no medical test for PD. A neurologist makes the diagnosis based on reported symptoms, eliminating other diseases and a clinical observation of the patient. Due the complex nature of Parkinson's both mental and physical health are equally important when it comes to living a successful life with it.
Physical activity also slows the disease process, decreases the pain associated with Parkinson's disease, prolongs the independent mobility (gait, balance, strength) and improves sleep, mood, memory hence improving the overall quality of life.
Parkinson's can cause movement symptoms, as well as mood, sleep and energy changes. Each symptom has a specific treatment, but regular exercise and a healthy diet are key to overall management of Parkinson's.
Read more at the Michael J Fox Foundation.

Brooks Wellness Programs including Parkinson's Wellness Programs
Weblink: https://brooksrehab.org/services/adaptive-wellness/
Contact: Mindy Loving MPH, CPH, Community Wellness Program Manager
Phone: (904) 451-3580
Email: AdaptiveWellness@BrooksRehab.org
When/Where: Parkinson’s Wellness
Brooks Family YMCA- MWF 9-12
McArthur Family YMCA- MWF 9-10
Adaptive Community Wellness
Offered at participating YMCA locations within the First Coast region- see weblink for details
Cost: The membership cost is $15 per month for YMCA members, and $30 per month for non-YMCA members. (Assessment prior to start of classis is required)
FightFit for Parkinson's Boxing Class
Weblink: https://www.1780fitness.com/
Contact: Lori Lunitz or Jason Watson
Phone: (904) 636-0092
Email: jason@watsonmartialarts.com // lorilu412@icloud.com
Where: Watson Martial Arts Center 1780 Emerson Street, Jacksonville, FL 32207
When: M/W/F at 9:30 AM
Cost: 5 Classes for $75 // 10 Classes for $120 // 25 Classes for $250
Notes: A medical clearance/permission from physician is required prior to attending. A liability waiver must be signed as well in order to participate.
Rock Steady Boxing Program
Weblink: http://jacksonville.rsbaffiliate.com/
Contact: Giles Wiley
Phone: 904-500-5425
Email: jacksonville@rsbaffiliate.com
Where: Jacksonville Muay Thai 14255 Beach Blvd. Jacksonville, FL 32250
When: Fridays- Level I/II class at 9:30 and Level III/IV class at 10:45
Cost: $45.00 monthly fee
Rock Steady Boxing Program at Tamaya
Weblink: http://tamaya.rsbaffiliate.com
Contact: Daniel Tirado
Phone: (904) 410-8500 ext. 4008
Email: tamaya@rsbaffiliate.com
Where: 3720 Tamaya Blvd., Jacksonville, FL 32246
When: Contact Daniel Tirado for details
Cost: Contact Daniel Tirado for details
Rock Steady Boxing Program
Weblink: https://advmuscletherapy.com/about/
Contact: Tiffany McGill
Phone: (904) 491-4980
Email: ameliaisland@rsbaffiliate.com
Where: Advance Muscle Therapy 961687 Gateway Blvd. 101A
When: Monday, Wednesday, and Th at 1:00 -2:30 assessment required prior to starting the program
Cost: $15/class or $120/ month for unlimited classes (assessment required prior to start of program)
Local Physical Health Resources
GZ Sobol's Parkinson's Network: Team Florida
Weblink: https://www.facebook.com/flteamgzsobolparkinsonsnetwork/
Contact(s): J.J. Ryan, Tom, Dorsky, and Gregg Hummer
Email(s): jjryan@bellsouth.net , tomdorsky@hotmail.com and ghummer57@yahoo.com
Where: Classes held at Sacred Heart Church, 7190 US Highway 17, Fleming Island, 32003 7190 US Highway 17, Fleming Island, FL 32003
When: Monday and Thursday at 9:30 AM
Cost: Free
Speech Program - The Loud Crowd
Weblink: https://brooksrehab.org/locations/orange-park/
Contact: Stephanie Richardson or Kathryn Pasos
Email: stephanie.richardson@brooksrehab.org or Kathryn.pasos@brooksrehab.org
Phone: (904) 278-7890
Where: Brooks Rehabilitation NeuroRecovery Center 500 Park Ave. Orange Park, FL 32073
When: Friday 12-1pm
Cost: Free
Rock Steady Boxing Program
Weblink: https://palmcoast.rsbaffiliate.com/
Contact: Eve Navarro
Phone: (386) 586-0505
Email: palmcoast@rsbaffiliate.com
Where: Lions Pride Boxing 4601e E Moody Blvd, Bunnell, FL 32110
When: contact Eve Navarro for details
Cost: contact Eve Navarro for details
St. Augustine Parkinson’s Network
Contact(s): Jim Gillespie and Mary Vanderwart
Phone: (404) 374-1412
Email(s): JamesHoytGillespie@gmail.com and MaryVanderwart@gmail.com
Where: 215 St George ST, St. Augustine, FL 32084
When: Monday and Thursday at 2:30 PM
Cost: Free
Parkinson’s Group Wellness Program
Weblink: https://starsrehab.org/parkinsons-exercise-and-wellness-program/
Contact: Melanie Lomaglio PT, DPT, MSc, NCS
Phone: (904) 679-3449
Email: melanie.neuroPT@gmail.com
Where: 4320 A1A South, Suite 3 St. Augustine, FL 32080
When: Parkinson’s Wellness classes offered M-F see weblink for class schedule
Cost: Free
Description:**Please note that to attend Classes hosted by STARS, you must have a referral from your doctor to visit the PT's on staff for an evaluation. Once an evaluation is done, they will give you the recommended class to attend. This is to ensure the safety of all participants.**