Jacksonville Mandarin Parkinson's Support and Exercise Groups
Our Parkinson’s support group in Jacksonville Mandarin area, is a welcoming place to meet other people with PD who are learning from each other about how to live their best lives on the long journey that is Parkinson’s. It’s essential to recognize that every person’s Parkinson’s diagnosis is unique! Together, we are stronger than the challenges we face!
Contact information
Location and time
Support Group
Place: Church of Eleven 22
4911 Losco Road, Jacksonville, FL 32257
Frequency: 2nd Sunday of each month
Time: 2-4pm
Exercise Group
Place: Church of Eleven 22
501 SR13, St. Johns, FL 32259
Frequency: Every Thursday
Time: 6-7pm
Contact information
Location and Time
Place: Normandy Park Baptist Church
7050 Normandy Blvd. (Across from ALDI and Sonic)
Jacksonville, FL 32221
Frequency: First meeting: October 19, 2024, 10:00 AM - 12:00 PM
Recurring: Monthly (future dates to be decided at the first meeting)
Exercise class:
- Start date: November 5, 2024
- Schedule: Every Tuesday, 2:00 pm - 3:00 pm
Meeting type: In-person
Things we like to do
We meet monthly and will have occasional speakers of interest to our group. Exercise is so beneficial and we will incorporate it in some group meetings. Medications and a healthy diet are also hugely beneficial to improving many symptoms so we will prioritize those as well! We share information and camaraderie with each other and do our best to lift each other up as we meet each challenge that life and Parkinson’s sends our way. Our group is a mix of all kinds of information and fun! There is no “one size fits all” so we learn as we go!
Exercise and Voice Classes
Each week we provide 11 different exercise and voice classes at 3 different challenge levels to ensure each person gets what they need within a group setting. We have a team of specially trained Physical and Speech therapists coaching Rock Steady boxing, Loud Crowd, Sing Out Loud, Kazoo Choir, Yoga and functional movement training called PWR Moves.
Education and Activities
We also have educational support group meetings once a month and a Ladies Living with Parkinson’s group as well. Potlucks and community events such as our annual Pints for Parkinson’s and family and friends beach walk are favorites. We are partnered with STARS rehab and provide one on one Physical, Occupational and Speech therapy services.
Community Log In/Sign Up
Upcoming Event:
Moving Forward Together
Feb. 9, 2 pm-4 pm
Church of Eleven 22
4911 Losco Road, Jacksonville
Practitioner-assisted stretching to help improve:
Flexibility and range of motion
Enhanced balance and coordination
Reduced muscle tension and pain
Support for movement patterns
Stress relief
Puzzle Social to improve:
Reinforcement of connections between brain cells
Mental speed
Short-term memory
For accessibility assistance or more information, email Katheryn Donaldson at serving4_him@yahoo.com or call (904)710-1449

Practitioner-assisted stretching to help improve:
Flexibility and range of motion
Enhanced balance and coordination
Reduced muscle tension and pain
Support for movement patterns
Stress relief
Puzzle Social to improve:
Reinforcement of connections between brain cells
Mental speed
Short-term memory
For accessibility assistance or more information, email Katheryn Donaldson at serving4_him@yahoo.com or call (904)710-1449